School management system | Dhanbad


School management system | We offers a complete range of services pertaining to your web presence, from conceptualization till escorting you to the destination. The experience and expertise we have earned are not just matters of years passed rather they have nurtured our understanding of our clients requirements. Started in Dhanbad (Jharkhand), Currently most of the development and administrative operations are carried out from Bihar. Our client base is rapidly growing today and has spread not only across Bihar but also throughout India.

About our software.

This School Management System is Modern and Complete School Automation Software that suites to almost every school or educational institution from student admission to student leaving, from fees collection to exam results. It includes 30+ modules with 8 inbuilt users (Super Admin, Admin, Accountant, Teacher, Receptionist, Librarian, Parent and Student) panel etc.

Benefit of our software.

  • Effective communication between teachers, parents and students.
  • Complete automation of all operations
  • Centrally stored information with zero redundancy
  • Frequent interaction with teachers
  • Reliable update on child’s attendance, progress report and free payment.
  • Tracking of homework assigned by teacher to their child
  • Prior information about school events and holidays
  • Automated student attendance
  • Computerized Management of marks and grades
  • Homework assignment to student and approval Enhanced interaction with teachers, parent
  • Online submission of homework
  • Access to attendance, timetable, marks grades and examination schedule.
  • Prior Information about school events and holidays.

System portal

Super AdminThe system portal will enable School Administrators to login and perform various functions and duties. Through the Admin Portal, School Administrators will be able to ;
– Recruit new Students and Teachers and create their login details.
– Create School Time Tables and Track Attendance of Students and School Employees.
– Send and Receive electronic messages to Parents, Teachers and Students Via Email and SMS integrated within the School System.
– Create Subject / Courses and Teachers responsible for individual tasks
– Create and manage Tests / Exams and Generate Reports for students and parents

TeacherOpen School System portal will enable School Teachers to login and access various privileges such as:-
– View own Attendance, leaves etc. and mark Student Attendance (class-teacher only).
– View Timetable, and enter marks (class-teacher only) for Exams.
– Send and receive messages.
– View News, Events and Events calendar.
– Download notices, forms etc.
– View and verify own profile
StudentThe System portal will enable Enrolled Students to login with their personal details and have access to various privileges such as:
– View and verify their own profile
– View and verify own profile
– Send and receive messages
– Download notices, forms etc.
– View Attendance, Time-table, Fee details, exam dates etc.
– View and search books lent and available in the school library.
– Register for and view hostel details
ParentOpen School System also has a Portal for Parents that will enable them to login with their personal details and have access to various privileges such as:
– View and verify own profile and students profile
– View Attendance, Time-table, Fee details, exam dates etc. of the wards
– Support for multiple students (siblings) for a single parent
– Send and receive messages.
– View News, Events and Events calendar.
– Download notices, forms etc.

System Modules

StudentThe system has user friendly Student Module that will enable School Administrators and other key users to do the following functions:
– Admissions Dashboard and Admission Management.
– Create student Categories.
– All Students list with default filters and custom filtering that can be saved.
– Add, View and Manage student and guardian details
– Generate PDF reports of Student profiles
– Powerful student admission form add 40+ records for student including previous school details.
– Promote student in next academic session based on pass / fail and continue / leaving school.
– Search by Class-Section or any keyword like student name, admission no, father name, id no.
– Category students in a class-section based on different criteria like caste, their skill ability etc.
EmployeeOpen School Management System also has user friendly Employees Module that will enable School Administrators and other key users to do the following functions:
– Create employees and Manage Employee details.
– Employee Leaves and Leave-types management
– Employee attendance management
– Set subject association for trainers/teachers.
– Manage and Assign employee Category, Department, Positions and Grades.
Subject & CourseOpen School Management System also has user friendly Course Module that will enable School Administrators and other key users to do the following functions:
– Create and manage Courses, Batches and Subjects (including electives)
– Assign Weekdays, batch start & end dates, Class-teacher etc.
– Set Course-Batch-Subject associations.
– Limited management of Attendance, Timetable and Exams
– Add subjects with subject code and section whether it is theory or practical subject.
– Assign subjects and subject teacher on a class – section.
FeeOpen School Management System also has user friendly Free Module that will enable School Administrators and other key users to do the following functions:
– Create and manage Fee-Category and Particulars
– Create Fee-Collection schedule and enter collected fees
– Manage Paid and Payable fees per student, per batch etc
– Most advanced fee collection module available. Not just invoicing
– complete fees configuration including fees type, fees groups fee master fees fine, due date etc.
– Create fees discount like staff child, sibling discount early admission discount etc.
– Fees and discount allotment on more than 5 different criteria.
– Allocate fees on whole class – section or on single student.
– State of the art collect fees page to give whole details of student fees standing.
ExaminationOpen School Management System also has user friendly Examination Module that will enable School Administrators and other key users to do the following functions:
– Create and manage Exams
– Enter scores of exams
– View Assessment dashboard and set grading levels
– Generate PDFs of report cards.
– Complete examination management from exam create to exam schedule to marks entry to progress report with grades
– Schedule exams with start / end time, exam room, full marks and passing markis.
– Manage exam marks of all students
AttendanceOpen School Management System also has user friendly Attendance Module that will enable School Administrators and other key users to do the following functions:
– Create and monitor various employee and student attendance records
– Create and View the Detail and Reason for availed leaves.
– Manage student attendance smartly in few clicks Get attendance report monthly class – section wise.
Time TableThe System also has user friendly Timetable Module that will enable School Administrators and other key users to do the following functions:
– Set Weekdays
– Set Class Timings and Breaks.
– Create, generate and maintain timetable for each batch.
– Create subject wise class section timetable for whole week with subject period start / end time and class room number.
ReportThe System also has user friendly Reports Module that will enable School Administrators and other key users to do the following functions:
– Create Comprehensive reports per student
– Generate Batch and student wise assessment/progress reports
– Generate Reports for Employee and Student attendance.
LibraryThe System also has user friendly Library Module that will enable School Administrators and other key users to do the following functions:
– Search and List all books
– Add book details
– Manage the Lending and Returning of books
– Create Book-Categories and Author lists.
– Complete library management system with books add, members add,books issue / return.
– Manage books with complete books inventory including details like ISBN, author, publisher, rack number, quantity, price post date etc.
TransportThe System also has user friendly Transport Module that will enable School Administrators and other key users to do the following functions:
– Add Vehicle and Driver Details
– Create Routes and Stops
– Allot students to routes
– Manage School-transport-fees
– Manage Log of All Buses
HostelThe System also has user friendly Hostel Module that will enable School Administrators and other key users to do the following functions:
– List and Manage Room Details
– Add Hostel Details like name, address etc.
– Create, Allot and Vacate Rooms
– Manage Mess, Menu types, and assign cuisines to students
– Manage Mess fees and sent mail for unpaid fees.
DownloadOpen School Management System also has user friendly Downloads Module that will enable School Administrators and other key users to do the following functions:
– Upload Videos, Pictures and Documents for learning content
– Materials are automatically filtered by batch and course
– Create File categories to further fine tune and limit the uploaded content privacy.
– Manage Downloadable content for students, teacher like syllabus,assignments study material etc.
ImportOpen School Management System also has user friendly Import Module that will enable School Administrators and other key users to do the following functions:
– Import existing Student and Employee details from Excel sheets and CSV files.
ExportOpen School Management System also has user friendly Export Module that will enable School Administrators and other key users to do the following functions:
– Export the Student and Employee details from Open School to CSV Excel files.
Payment gatewayPaypal, Stripe, Pesapal, Paystack, Razorpay, PayTM.
Communication– Send messages to students paret and teachers through notice board
– Admin can send private messages to teacher, student and parent.
Report– Student Report – Get student report based on class –section,category, gender & RTE
– Transactional Report – Get date range bound transaction report for fee collection and expenses
Add Siblings– This ERP support to add any no of siblings at time student admission. Parent can check their all children in one parent account.
School Expenses– Record school expense like electricity bill, telephone bill, miscellaneous bill etc.
Marks Registration– Enter student marks for exam with exam attendance.
Marks Grade– Add marks range wise marks grace.
Backup & Restore– Create backup of your database and restore any time from online or through upload backup file.
Parent Monitoring– Parent can see their all children activity in single parent panel login, he can also pay children fees through payment.
Home Work Document– Attach and download study documents.
Settings– School Settings, Email Carrier, Email Templates, Payment Methods
Email Templates– Email template for Student Admission, Invoice Generation, Online Fee Submission, Off-line Fee Submission.
Online Course– Add online course from admin panel and assign to any teacher
– Teacher can also create online course for class-section
– Online course is divided in to Sections, Lessons and Quiz
– Online course can be created as free or paid
– Paid online course can be purchase online by students
– Paid course can be purchase offline from school
– Free course can be directly accessible to students
– Students can study online course and participate in quiz for self evaluation
– Students can see their performance report and charts for self assessments
– Admin can check 4 types of reports based on sales, trend and student performance
– Course material like video and other files securely upload on Amazon AWS S3 Bucket
– Online Course addon supports Smart School android app
Google Meet Live Class– Add live classes from admin panel for any teachers
– Teacher can also add live classes as per their teacher timetable
– Add multiple sections for a class in live class
– Student can join live class from student panel or mobile app
– Student and Parent will get notification for live class
– Admin and teacher check live class join report
– Staff can create live meetings
– Other staff members can join meetings
– Admin can check live meeting join report
– G-meet Live Class supports Smart School android app
Zoom Classes– Add live classes from admin panel for any teachers
– Teacher can also add live classes as per their teacher timetable
– Student can join live class from student panel or mobile app
– Student and Parent will get notification for live class
– Admin and teacher check live class join report
– Staff can create live meetings
– Other staff members can join meetings
– Admin can check live meeting join report
– You can use free or paid both zoom accounts
– Zoom Live Class supports Smart School android app

Top Features / Screenshots

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